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Summer Schedule


Summer Classes and 1:1 Sessions




Surface Your Methodology

Course with Bonus Live Q+A on June 30, 11am PST
  • Define your system for getting clients results
  • Pull together all your trainings & modalities into one unique method (and name it!)
  • Learn how to easily explain your complex work so you can close more sales calls

Copywriting for Culture Makers

When you can copywrite, you can ALWAYS make money...

....and in this course, you do it through the lens of justice & consent. No shaming, blaming or manipulating your clients required!

First official day for this cohort is Sept 4, but early birds who sign up in the summer can:

  • Start attending Office Hours in August which means you get an extra month of Office Hours, free!
  • Get 20% off when you join in June or July. Use code: SUMMER20



Lightning Sessions

  • Every Year, I Offer A Round of 1:1 Lightning Sessions
  • 45 minutes of super-focused, super-effective coaching
  • Define your strategy, business model, One True Marketing Message, payment accessibility plan, the spine of your next book or whatever is on your career horizon, now

Money Bridge

When you've completed your sustainable pricing & business model calculations in GOOD MONEY but there's a significant gap between what you're charging now and what you need to charge, MONEY BRIDGE can help you bridge the gap

  • Learn how to cultivate demand (the fourth pillar of pricing) so your audience is prepared to pay your prices
  • Complete your 2-Page Marketing Plan so you know what to focus on, all year long
  • Learn how to support your nervous system through uncertainty + business change

Only available to previous students





Good Money

Everything You Need to Know About Pricing to Flourish

For 1:1 Service Professionals and People Who Sell Courses & Intellectual Property

You Will Learn:

  • How to calculate the prices & revenue mix you need to flourish (spreadsheet tool included)
  • How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Charging For Your Services
  • How to Figure out Your ‘Affordability’ and ‘Accessibility’ Strategies Without Sacrificing Your Business or Your Well-Being
  • How to Bridge the Gap between what you're currently charging and what you need to charge
  • Complete your 2-Page Marketing Plan so you know what to prioritize and what to do all year long

More Events & Learning Opportunities

When you buy a class, you also have access to many other community events that can help you move your business forward, like:

  • Office Hours (in specific courses and as bonuses)
  • Watch Parties (in Social Media for Culture Makers, Copywriting for Culture Makers and We Are The Culture Makers)
  • Co-working Sessions
  • Live Guided Meditations with Ntathu Allen
  • Spiritual Office Hours with Valerie Louis

and so much more...