Imagine what could be possible next year? Really open yourself up to see what wants to be born in your business and life.
How? It starts with reflecting on what happened this year, and taking the time to plan next year now.
In this episode, Danielle and Kelly share practical tips for how you might do your own business- and life-scan and how to use the workbook (from Module 3 in Good Money) to go through this process.
They do this through sharing what November planning and reflection look like in their own lives and businesses. They encourage you to find the right reflection process that works for your life and to make room for your dreams and desires.
This episode provides a detailed guide to planning and mapping out the year to come, stressing the importance of using both a printed calendar and a spreadsheet to map out launches and revenue goals.
Danielle and Kelly also discuss the challenges of balancing work and personal life during the holiday season, providing practical advice for managing work during the holidays.
Areas for reflection and future-casting:
- Time off in 2024
- What revenue activity is left for 2023
- Reflection of 2023 accomplishments
- Foundations for next year
- Skill development
- Personal supports
- Looking at the end of year celebrations and consider what will be possible (time and money budget)